Volunteer Opportunities-You Can Make a Difference!
No matter if you are one person, a group, a company, or a service club, your volunteer time means something special to our older adult community.
If you are interested in being a part of our volunteer team in any of the areas mentioned below, please contact Kristi Conforti at (209) 533-2622.
Meals on Wheels – Volunteer driver
Dining room – Help serve lunch
Kitchen – Help to package Meals on Wheels menu items and with Senior Center lunch preparation
Satellite lunch programs (Jamestown and Groveland)
Help split and deliver firewood to seniors
Front lobby receptionist
Thrift store
Can you play an instrument(s) and would you like to share your talents with the Senior Center?
Help with special activities and fundraising events?
Help with activities at the Senior Center?
Sponsor an activity or activity supplies?
Can you spare a few hours to split or deliver firewood? Please see the flyer below for more information.